Search Help


  • Examiners can choose the following operators from dropdown.
    • OR
    • AND
    • ADJ
    • NEAR
    • WITH
    • SAME
  • "AND" will be considered as the default operator.
  • The NEAR operator searches for terms that are next to each other (distance=0)
  • The ADJ operator is similar to the NEAR operator, except it requires matching documents have terms in the same order as specified in the expression
    Ex: cisco ADJ router will become ONEAR(cisco, router)
  • WITH Operator will search for terms within a distance of 15.
    Ex: cisco WITH router will become NEAR(cisco, router, distance=15)
  • SAME Operator will search for the terms within a distance of 200.
    Ex: cisco SAME router will become NEAR(cisco, router, distance=200)
  • Exact match is enabled for hypen & period character.
    Ex: "in-memory"
  • '$' will be interpreted as any number of characters and hence will be converted to '*'.
    Ex: config$ will become config*
  • '$n' will be interpreted as 'n' number of characters and will be converted to [a-zA-Z0-9]{0,n}.
    Ex: config$5 will become config[a-zA-Z0-9]{0,5}
  • '~' if used in search text will always have a number following the '~' and will be interpreted as 'FUZZY' of the preceding string with a similarity of the following number.
    Ex: cisco~4 will become FUZZY(cisco, similarity=4)
  • '^' if used in search text will always have a number following '^' and this number will be used as 'BOOST' value for the string preceding '^'.
    Ex: cisco^100 will become TERM(cisco, BOOST=100)
  • '|' if used in search text will be interpreted as 'OR' operator.
    Ex: cisco|router will become OR(cisco, router)
  • Date should always be of either 'yyyymmdd' or 'yyyy' format. 'yyyymmdd' format should always be preceded by any of '@RLAD', '@AD', '@PD', '@FD', '@RLFD' and 'yyyy' format should always be preceded by any of '@AY', '@PY', '@FY'.
    Ex: @AD>19961011
  • Phrases should be enclosed within double quotes.
    Ex: "cisco systems"


  • All the extensions will be removed except .ti. & .ab. to enable search on title & abstract
    Ex: cisco.ti. will become title:cisco
    Ex: cisco.ab. will become description:cisco
    Ex: A comma will need to separate a search on the title and abstract. cisco.ti,ab. will become OR(CONTEXT(title):cisco, CONTEXT(description):cisco)
    Ex: cisco AND 799/11.ccls will become cisco
  • For following extensions, strings associated will be retained as normal string in the search text.
    Ex: cisco AND marker.ASGP will become cisco AND marker
  • For following extensions the string will be converted to date format.
    Ex: 19961011.AD will become date:[1996-10-11T00:00:00 TO 1996-10-11T23:59:59]
  • To search by CPC code, use .cpc. extension. All the records matching H04L29/06 code will be returned and displayed in the sorted order of score (high to low).
    Ex: H04L29/06.cpc.